Tõuksimaailm stores - electric scooter, bike, moped and motorcycle stores and spare parts / accessories stores are located at:

  1. Põhja-Tallinn, Kalamaja, Tööstuse 47a (Volta house):
    • Store: +372 5650 5933 (EE / EN)

    • Workshop: +372 5303 4581 (EE / EN)

    • Rent: +372 5303 4581 / rent@touksimaailm.ee

    • Email: tallinn@touksimaailm.ee

  2. Tartu, Aardla 23:
    • Shop/workshop/info: +372 5457 2804 (EE / EN)

    • Email: tartu@touksimaailm.ee

Come on in! As is common for a proper electric scooter, e-bike, electric moped and motorcycle store, we have the opportunity to test drive products and we will help you choose the perfect electric vehicle for your daily needs.

Other contacts:

Price quotes, general information, collaboration offers and questions about invoices: info@touksimaailm.ee
Information about e-store orders and product warehouse status: +372 5650 5933 (EE / EN)
Collaboration requests and general information: +372 5303 4917 (EE / EN)
Electric scooter rental: +372 5303 4581 (EE / EN)

The Tallinn showroom is open:
E-L 10:00-18:00
P - Suletud

The Tallinn workshop is open:
E-L 11:00-19:00
P - Suletud

The Tartu office and workshop are open:
T-R 11:00-19:00
L 11:00-16:00
P-E - Suletud



ExoCool OÜ
Registration number: 12857616
VAT code: EE102121227
Tööstuse 47a, Tallinn, 10416